SURE 2013: apply by Feb. 3, 2014, see SURE website.

Emory STEM Symposium: apply by Jan. 7, 2014 see Emory STEM website.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Rieser Fellowship: intersection of science, global security and public policy

The Rieser Fellowships support undergraduate students who want to pursue projects that
explore issues at the intersection of science, global security, and public policy. Any undergraduate student studying at a U.S. college or university is eligible to apply.

Deadkline:  February 1, 2012

Application requirements:

Please attach a 1-2 page essay describing a significant, specific aspect of nuclear security, climate stabilization, or biotechnology safety to be explored in your project. 
Please also attach a 1-2 page outline of a research project, based on the essay, to be undertaken during the Fellowship  period, including a final product for possible use by the Bulletin or publication on the Bulletin’s website. Because the Bulletin is an independent publisher and forum for experts, policymakers, and citizens, part of the final Fellowship product should address possible ways to deepen public understanding of the topic. 
The proposal should include a detailed budget, including anticipated expenses for equipment, travel, research, materials, and other major costs, as well as other sources of support (both requested and received).